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Are Cats Easier to Train Than Dogs?

If you are trying to decide whether to get a cat or dog as a pet, you might be wondering which one will take less training. Keeping training requirements in mind is important because you want to make sure you are giving yourself enough time to train your new friend. 

Training also needs to be done as a slow process in most cases, so you might be wondering how to start and how long it will take. 

In this article, we will go over the differences between training cats and dogs, so you know for sure what to expect when trying to choose which pet to own.

Cat and Dog Pet Training in General: The Basics 

In general, dogs are easier to train than cats. They have more of a pack mentality which means they want to have a leader and be obedient. Exactly how hard it will be to train a dog depends on the breed though as some breeds are much easier to train than others. 

Most dogs in general though are easy to train though because they are eager to please. They want to make you happy and meet the desires you have for them. Some breeds learn slower than others. 

Exactly how hard it will be to train your dog also depends on the age you get them and their temperament. Younger puppies are usually ready to learn and will want to make sure they are picking up new commands to make you happy as their new leader. 

Older dogs might be more set in their ways and not want to follow new commands as eagerly. 

Most cat owners find that instead of really training their pet, they are instead establishing boundaries. This might mean teaching your cat not to get on certain furniture and things like that. Cat training often takes much more patience and consistency. 

They are capable of picking up commands, but their strong-willed nature makes them more likely to ignore you or do not want to learn. 

One advantage of cat training though is that they are much easier to house train. Most cats only need to be shown the litter box one or two times before they understand that’s where they should be using the bathroom. 

The only cases where cats do not pick up litter training quickly is when they have an underlying health issue. In this case, you might want to contact the vet if you see they are not learning to use the box quickly. 

Puppies are much harder to train than cats. Depending on the breed, it can take up to a year for a dog to be completely house trained with absolutely no accidents inside. Some dogs will still have accidents though if you leave them alone for too long. 

To potty train a dog, you need to make sure you have ample time and energy. You also need to make sure you create an award system and show lots of positive reinforcement. 

Some people also find it easier to train a dog because you can find ample information online on tips and tricks. There are hundreds of free dog training resources online including blogs and videos. If you’re having trouble with the training process, you can easily find information online. 

Cat training resources are harder to come by though. Cat trainers are also in less demand than dog trainers. You might find a harder time finding tips on how to train cats as well as the help you need if there is not a cat trainer in your area.

Easiest Cats to Train 

While all dogs can be trained, even though some are more difficult than others, there are some cats that can be trained much easier than other cats. The following cat breeds are known to be more like dogs in nature and therefore much easier to train:

  • Abyssinian
  • Ragdoll 
  • American Bobtail 
  • Bombay
  • Main Coon
  • Birman
  • Manx
  • Ocicat 

The Abyssinian in particular is a good choice if you want a cat that will play fetch with you. They are also known to love water much more than other cat breeds. 

Bombay cats are also the top breed that can be leash trained. If you want to take walks with your cat and have them come with you places on a leash, consider getting a Bombay.

Cat Training Tips 

If you want to train your cat, there are some tips and tricks you need to follow to make the process easier for both of you. Cats usually cannot be trained to do all the same things as dogs can do, but they can be trained to do the following things:

  • Stop scratching and jumping on furniture 
  • Stop biting 
  • Basic commands like come, sit, stay, high five, etc 

You might also be able to teach your cat to stop doing certain behaviors or teach them new tricks depending on how much time and persistence you put into the training.

Keep Sessions Short 

Cats cannot endure hour-long training sessions like some dog breeds can. Exactly how long to make a cat training session though will depend on your cat. Some have longer attention spans. Since cats are less likely to want to please you, they will cut the training sessions short if they want to. 

Make sure you are showing patience and persistence when it comes to training your cat. Some cats will progress much slower than others. Since they are independent, they might also now show interest in training sessions at the beginning, especially if you interrupt them napping or doing another activity.

Do One Trick at a Time 

Whether you are teaching tricks or certain behaviors, make sure you are only doing one at a time. Teaching too many things at once might be less effective and will confuse your cat. Once they have mastered the first thing you taught them, you can move on to the next one.

Reward Good Behavior 

Much like dogs, cats respond to positive reinforcement. This means you should spend more time rewarding good behavior and less time punishing bad behavior. Rewards can be anything from praise to treats, to scratches. 

Some people also choose to use the clicker method with cats. Every time the cat shows positive behavior, you can click the device. They associate the clicking noise with doing a good job. 

You should also ignore the bad behavior as much as possible. Unlike dogs, cats do not respond to punishment. Most disciplinary methods will trigger stress and anxiety which can make your cat afraid of you and not want to participate in training any longer. 

You can also choose to distract them from the behavior. If you see them doing something wrong, redirect them to another activity. You can also make a quick sharp sound that will get their attention and make them leave the current thing alone and respond to you instead.

Final Thoughts 

Dogs are easier to train than cats because of their nature in wanting to please you and have you be their leader. This doesn’t mean you can’t train cats though. Cats are easier to house train and can be trained to do other things with patience and consistency.